10 Myths About Joining WSHS PIE

#1 My child is older now so it doesn’t matter whether or not I join PIE.

FALSE! Not only does membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, it shows your child that you are still interested and invested in their education. As our children become adults, our role as their parents may change somewhat, but our involvement and interest in their education and development should not.

#2 PIE is only for stay-at-home parents with nothing else to do.

FALSE! Your fellow PIE members are family and community members who want to support the kids and the school. A strong PIE needs the support of moms, dads, family members, teachers, school staff, and community members. ANYONE who cares about children belongs in PIE! Most members are juggling work, bills, household chores, kids, sports, and homework, just like you!

#3 I don’t have time to join PIE.

FALSE! If you are unable to volunteer your time, please become a member and give your financial support. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your support helps fund events, activities, and services for the students and teachers throughout the school year. Your financial support also provides valuable resources the students, teachers, and school need.

#4 I was a PIE member last year; I only have to join once.

FALSE! With each new school year, a new PIE membership year begins. Your PIE membership will be good for the entire school year!

#5 Joining PIE means I have to volunteer.

FALSE! PIE appreciates everyone’s membership, whether or not you volunteer. You will not be sucked into a black hole of volunteering!

#6 I have to be a board member or chair a committee to join PIE.

FALSE! You do not have to serve on the PIE Board or chair a committee to join PIE. Your interest and support will suffice!

#7 I’ll get roped into volunteering if I attend a PIE meeting.

FALSE! There will be opportunities to get involved, but no pressure. PIE always wants and always needs volunteers! If you choose to volunteer, you decide your time commitment. If you are unable to participate, there is no judgment here!

#8 PIE and organizations like it aren’t needed as much in secondary school as they are needed in primary school. So, there is no need to join PIE.

FALSE! Parent involvement and support is needed at all stages of a child’s educational experience and personal development. You’ll connect with a group of people who are all concerned with creating a better environment for our children. It is proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and in school, even at this stage of our children’s development.

#9 I have an idea but PIE isn’t interested.

FALSE! Your voice and ideas can help improve the quality of education for your child and their peers. New ideas are always welcome! We want to hear from you!

#10 I have to make a donation to join PIE.

FALSE! It is FREE to join PIE. Unlike many other school support organizations, there is no membership fee to join PIE. Whether or not you make a donation, we want you to be a part of Partners in Education.